Why your startup should attend a VivaTech Conference

Conference, Popular, Showcase, Tech

If you are reading this and you are working – or want to work – in a tech startup, you should attend a VivaTech conference at least once in your life. VivaTech was one of the most important tech conferences we attended this year. Not only because it had an amazing audience: 91,000 visitors from […]

​​Embracing Innovation: One month after Collision Conference 2023

Popular, Showcase, Tech

Your browser does not support the video tag. We are eager to share our experience and insights from the Collision Conference 2023. The impact of this conference has made a lasting impression on our team at MetaWorldX, and we’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to meet the many innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors that attended […]

MetaworldX launches largest Live Digital Twin: City of Toronto

Infrastructure, Popular, Tech

MetaworldX has announced the launch of the largest Live Digital Twin: City of Toronto. It is being used to pull in data from multiple IoT devices that don’t generally communicate with each other. The MetaWorldX platform is the first of its kind that allows multiple data layers to be visualised for historical, live and simulation […]